NEW! You now get 30 days of lessons, not 14. Double+ the value! Master your chords AND strumming
For beginner/novice guitarists who feel stuck...
Strum confidently with accurate, fast chord changes in just 30 days

A step-by-step course to fix your guitar playing so you can finally strum along to your favorite songs

"BRILLIANT. That's all I can say. I highly recommend the 30 Day Guitar Challenge"
-John Hopkins
"I am loving this! This challenge made a big difference in both the speed and quality of my chord changes"
-Bob Radder

Do you feel like your guitar playing isn't getting any better despite putting in tons of effort?

The biggest hurdle is getting clear, fast chord changes. If you can do that then everything else becomes so much easier

Taking a focused approach to fixing the root cause of your guitar struggles will help....

How do you fix it?

1. Improve your accuracy
2. Improve your speed
3. Bring them together for fast, clear chord changes

By working on speed and accuracy separately

you’ll have a much easier time getting fast, accurate chord changes.

Keep scrolling down on this page to discover how to get clear, fast chord changes and strum along to all your favorite songs
"I am loving this! This challenge made a big difference in both the speed and quality of my chord changes"
-Bob Radder

This is for any guitarist  who struggles to switch between open chords (C,G,D,etc.) both quickly and cleanly...

Whether you have been playing for a few months, trying on and off for many years, or are brand new to guitar
Beginner Friendly - Barre Chords are NOT used

The easiest practice plan to follow

It's just 1 short video lesson per day for 4 weeks.

✅ 1. Watch the videos

✅ 2. Do the exercises

✅ 3. Get beautiful chords

A simple, step-by-step course to become a better guitarist in 30 days - guaranteed
"Very helpful. Motivates me to play everyday too"
-Jim McPate
"Minimal commitment with high return"
-Jay Chakkapong
Get all this and more...

FAST And CLEAR Chord changes

Strum In Time with confidence

Know the chords to play 1000's of songs

join thousands of guitarists..
...Who have improved their skills and now play more confidently because of the 30 Day Guitar Challenge
"I can't say it enough - I've learned more in the first 3 days than in the last 7 months with my guitar teacher. No offense to him, this just works for me. I finally get it"
Don Mann
"Thank you, Kurt - I really feel I’m improving. I am more confident and also getting faster when I play. I’m not sure I would have got this far on my own"

Jan Osmond
"First of all, the video of the course is outstanding, the picture is very clear and the voice of the instructor as he explains the subject matter is easily understandable. The course is well designed for beginners and it will engage you easily of what you need to learn and achieve. there is so much to learn still and I am hooked to pursue this course. Further, this course is fun and that in itself makes you want to continue. Cheers"
Rolando Marucut

And thousands of other successful guitarists. Will you be next?

The 30 day Guitar challenge
the 30 day guitar challenge
This is the exact step-by-step system I've used with countless students to go from ugly, buzzy chords to guitar confidence in 30 Days

First we'll get you fast, clear chords, and then weeks 3 and 4 get you smooth, rhythmic strumming.
Here's what's included:

WEEK 1 (Chords Focus):

Get Clear, Fast Chord Changes

DAY 1: Eliminate Buzzy Frets and Muted Strings

DAY 2: How To Play With Great Rhythm

DAY 3: Fixing the Toughest Chords To Switch Between

DAY 4: The Secret To Stretching Out Your Fingers

DAY 5: How To Switch Chords FAST

DAY 6: Balancing The Yin And Yang Of Chords

DAY 7: The Single Most Important Chord Progression

WEEK 2 (Chords Focus):

Master Chord Progressions

DAY 8: How To Learn New Strumming Patterns Quickly

DAY 9: The Secret To Great Rhythm (It's not what you think)

DAY 10: How To Strum Faster and Stay In Time

DAY 11: Strumming With Accuracy (Hit the right strings every time)

DAY 12: How to Feel The Groove of a Song

DAY 13: The Most Effective Chords And Strumming Workout

DAY 14: The Chord Speed Test

DAY 15: Rest Day

WEEK 3 (Strumming Focus):

Strum With Perfect Timing

DAY 16: Understanding Beats & Timing

DAY 17: Improve Your Rhythm Without A Guitar

DAY 18: Muted Strums For Better Timing

DAY 19: Strum UP Without Awkwardness

DAY 20: Refine Your Sense Of Rhythm

DAY 21: Master New Strumming Patterns Quicker

DAY 22: Switching Chords In Time

WEEK 4 (Strumming Focus):

Master Strumming Patterns

DAY 23: Perfect Method To Learn Any Strumming Pattern

DAY 24: Switching Between Multiple Strumming Patterns

DAY 25: Playing Chord Progressions Without Getting Lost

DAY 26: Offbeat Rhythms For Unique Strumming

DAY 27: Offbeat Rhythms With Chord Progressions

DAY 28: Train Your Timing

DAY 29: Rest Day


The Final Test

DAY 30: The Final Test


Eliminate Buzzy Frets and Muted Strings


How To Play With Great Rhythm


Fixing the Toughest Chords To Switch Between


The Secret To Stretching Out Your Fingers


How To Switch Chords FAST


Balancing The Yin And Yang Of Chords


The Single Most Important Chord Progression


How To Learn New Strumming Patterns Quickly


The Secret To Great Rhythm (It's not what you think)

DAY 10

How To Strum Faster and Stay In Time

DAY 11

Strumming With Accuracy (Hit the right strings every time)

DAY 12

How to Feel The Groove of a Song

DAY 13

The Most Effective Chords And Strumming Workout

DAY 14

The Final Test

And right now you get a very special bonus...



Bonus #1: The Challenge Ebook/workbook
The ebook will guide you through exactly what to practice each day, it's completely laid out for you.

Each day you will target a specific element of your playing so you see immediate improvement every day.
Bonus #2: Get your questions answered
Struggling with your timing? Can't switch between C and G fast enough?

Send us a message or video of your playing at any time with your issues and we'll help you fix them - just like a live guitar teacher
Bonus #3 - Intro to Guitar Mini Course

 (for Complete Beginners with Zero Experience)

Learn how and when to tune your guitar, how to hold a guitar, how to stop buzzing and finger pain, and more
Bonus #4 - The Perfect Practice Session Mini-Course
Modelled from my daily professional routine, discover how to structure your practice sessions to improve the fastest
This is your defining moment.
Total Value:
Your Price Today:

Includes lifetime access to all content

Learn guitar for the price of a dinner date.

Plus you get hundreds of dollars worth of bonuses

300% money back guarantee
300% money Back Guarantee
If you complete the challenge and aren't a dramatically better guitarist, I'll refund you 3x what you paid. 

I'm aware that sounds ridiculous, but that's how confident I am that this will work for you.
"The consistency has been what surprised me the most. I'm just comfortable now and my fingers just move better."
Jen M.

"Just love ya Kurt, so easy to follow and grasp learnt more in a couple days than in 6 months with a teacher"
Sean L.
This is perfect for you if...
◉ You want to master fast and clear switches between open chords (C, G, D, A, etc.)

◉ You want to play confidently and sound great (so your friends and family are excited & impressed)

◉ You want to consistently keep up and be able to strum in time to your favorite songs

Guitar and the beach, two of my favorite things

Meet Kurt,
Founder, CEO of 5 Minute Guitar
  • 515 000+ Youtube Subscribers
  • 20 Years playing guitar
  • 14 years of teaching guitar, Royal Conservatory Certified
  • Over 56 million views of my lessons and performances
  • Sponsored by Disney, Universal Music, Ultimate Guitar, Skillshare, Faith Guitars, Elixir strings, and dozens more

Why should you take a step-by-step course instead of learning on Youtube?

Youtube is great for random quick tips, but the videos don't follow any order.

This is the only place you can get my step-by-step system to take you from slow and buzzy chords to clear and confident guitarist.

Each video builds on the previous ones so you never get lost and overwhelmed.

"You're a skilled musician and very passionate about guitar...In addition to your 5 minute style and interest in the success of your students makes this the best program that I have seen"

-Dr. Randall Poole

"Chords have been a real issue for me since day 1. What I've attained in 3 days, I didn't attain in 7 months of lessons. It was so easy."

- Don Mann

"Given that I've never learned or picked up a guitar before, I am extremely happy with my progress"

-Paul Zenevicius

"It doesn't seem like as much effort to play the guitar, it just feels comfortable - which it wasn't before"

-Jen M.



 A month or two from now you get demotivated, stop playing, and lose all the skill you've worked to get up to this point.

Your guitar gets left in the corner collecting dust. Soon enough you'll be 10 years older, still wishing you could play and regretting that you didn't stick with it.


In the best case you keep going in circles and not really making any progress. You put in countless hours of practice and don't get any better than you are now.

Just 2 weeks from now you can be playing chords clearly and smoothly, strumming away with an effortless sense of rhythm. 

You'll have complete clarity on how to keep making progress, and have the skills to play more than 1000 songs.

 You'll be having fun every day and be excited to keep improving. You'll have built a habit of consistency so you can progress faster than ever before.

it's your time to finally Become a guitarist
Total Value:
Your Price Today:

Includes lifetime access to all content

30 days of lessons for about the cost of 2 lessons with a live teacher

Plus you get hundreds of dollars worth of bonuses

still unsure? here's some common questions we get...

(Click any to expand)

 Frequently asked questions...
I have tried guitar before and not been successful, will this work for me?
There's a good chance you've been using ineffective learning method - or just winging it with random videos. This course is designed to target all the things you're currently getting stuck on, plus we'll be here to help you one-on-one the entire time. Your success is guaranteed.
I've been playing for months already but have been progressing very slowly, will this work for me?
It's likely not any issue with your natural skill, it's definitely just an issue with the techniques you've been taught - or tried to guess at on your own. There are probably a few subtle changes to your current bad habits that can be very quickly fixed.
I can't change chords very well - my fingers don't stretch and I'm slow to switch - will this help?
Yes and yes. In fact there are lessons on these exact things in the course. We know exactly what you're struggling with and we've guided thousands of guitarists through it. We'll do the same for you.
I want to just play and relax with guitar but can't because I'm not good - will this help?
That's exactly the goal of this course, to get you strumming smoothly and effortlessly as quickly as possible. Guitar becomes so much more fun once you pass the "beginner's trench" - the term I came up with for the difficult stage at the beginning where your chords are slow to switch, your strumming feels awkward, your fingers can't stretch to reach that C chord and the F chord feels totally impossible.
I've gotten stuck before...will the live coaching help?
You can ask questions at any time and you'll get to send in videos of your playing to get tips and advice that will improve your playing instantly. If you're struggling right now, there are likely a few small issues with your technique. They're easy to fix, but if you don't know what they are - you can't fix them.
Is there really a 300% money back guarantee?
Yes. That's how confident I am this will help you, that I'm willing to take this massive risk that you won't want your money back. Now of course you have to actually follow the videos and do the practice each day. I guarantee this will work for you if you follow the step-by-step system I've spent 10 years developing, but you're not going to learn guitar if you don't actually practice.
Why is the price so low?
I played guitar for 2 years and got kicked out of my first band beacuse the method I used to learn was so ineffective. I don't want anyone to go through that - so I want to help as many people as possible by keeping the price ridiculously low

After the cost of ads I don't make any money from running this course, and when you factor the time I spend helping course members I actually lose money. But this course is also about building a relationship with you and us here at 5 Minute Guitar. A good percentage of people who buy this ask to buy my other courses once they've experienced how much they improve in such a short period of time, so that's how this works out for me & the team financially in the long run.
Can I access the videos after the 14 days?
Yes! Many course members like to go back and rewatch the videos after the first 14 days to continue improving
Can I buy it now and start later?
Yes! I do recommend starting right now while you're the most motivated - but you can start whenever you like. 
Copyright 2024, 5 Minute Guitar Inc. All rights reserved.

"BRILLIANT. That's all I can say. He has got me playing chords and notes in just 3 days. If you are thinking of taking up the acoustic guitar I highly recommend the 30 Day Guitar Challenge"

-John Hopkins

"I am loving this! I can tell you this challenge made a big difference in both the speed of my chord changes but also the quality of them"

-Bob Radder